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Annual Show 2020

Due to Covid 19, the Society has had to take the decision of cancelling this year’s Annual Show which was due to be held on 5th September.  There was a suggestion of having the show at the allotments but as the safety of our members and social distancing could not be guaranteed, this could not be considered.

Once we can get a social diary re-established, we hope to see our members enjoying each other’s company again.

In the meantime we wish everyone good health and keep yourselves safe.


Sweet Peas and Rose Show 2020 Results

Sweet Pea and Rose Show July 4th, 2020

On a very blustery overcast day, the Society held its Annual Sweet Pea and Rose Show.
Due to the Corona Virus, this could not be held at St Paul’s Centre, so the Committee decided to hold the Show outside the Trading Hut at the Cheyne Walk Allotments.
Gazebos, umbrellas, and chairs were borrowed and thank you to everyone who contributed.
We had sanitizers and wipes, and everyone kept their 1m minimum distancing and there were never more than 30 people at one time.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to come and see the show.

Despite the weather, we had 14 members enter 33 vases of roses across the 7 categories.
10 members entered 32 vases of Sweet Peas across the 6 categories.
Both the highest points and Best in Show Sweet Peas were won by Sheila Puckett and both the highest points and Best in Show Roses were won by Samina Iqbal.
The Art Competition was won by Evelyn Craven.

Unfortunately, we were unable to present the Trophies or Certificates to the winners, but they were able to collect them.