The 81st Annual Show report, pictures and results are HERE.
Trading Hut Update
Onions, Shallots and Garlic for Autumn planting are now available at the Trading Hut from 10 – 12 Saturdays and Sundays during September. There will be an extension of opening hours on Sundays only from 10 – 12 until 29th October.
New supplies available are:
Senshyu over-wintering onions at £1.65 – approx. 450 to 500 gram
Blood Red over-wintering Onions at £2.10 – approx. 450 to 500 gram
Yellow Moon Shallots at £1.95 bag – approx. 18 bulbs
Autumn Germidour Pink Garlic at 60p each
French Thermidrome White Garlic at 60p each
Paper Potato storing sacks 75p each