STOP PRESS: The 2022 Annual Show Pictures can be seen here!
The 80th anniversary show on 3rd September was a great success and a big thank you to all the volunteers that went out of their way to make it so. Bambos Charalambous MP was extremely impressed with our Society and wants to be included again. The trophy and coupon awards can be seen here.
This seasons Garlic is now in the Trading Hut, and we have the same varieties as last year Pink Germidour and White Thermidrome. These are £1 for two (same or mixed variety) or 60p each.
We also have Broad beans at £1.50 pack and both Red Baron and Senshyu over-wintering onions at £1.50 for 450gr bag and Ericaceous compost Clover 40L @ £5.
STOP PRESS: Winter Shallots are now available, for details see TRADING HUT Page.